(Last Updated On: June 8, 2022)

Today, smartphones are the most purchased product, as they perfectly replace the computer. Thanks to this tool, people can communicate from anywhere, work, study, listen to music, watch movies, take colorful photos, etc. However, few people are serious about protecting the files stored on the device.

Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are key apps containing personal information that attackers can use for their purposes. For example, card numbers, access to online banks, home addresses, work correspondence, and private photos are precious treasures for hackers that they can get from your messengers. Furthermore, with powerful hacking systems in hand, attackers can get passwords to programs and chat with your friends to extort money. If you store critical business documents on your smartphone, you should arm yourself with methods to keep your files safe. Our article will help you with this.

Protect Your Smartphone With a Password

Protecting your phone with a password is the most commonplace method that users often overlook. The main reason people do not use passwords is laziness: users do not want to enter codes when they need to answer an SMS or call urgently. However, without a password, hackers will not be able to access the device.

A four-digit PIN code is not the best choice. We recommend using the FACE ID feature or generating a password containing letters, numbers, and symbols. At the same time, we strongly recommend using programs for protecting passwords. For example, LastPass, Keeper, and Bitwarden are platforms that will help you remember app passwords and encrypt them securely – only you will have access to the codes.

Use Secure Document Storage

Scanner App is not only a program for quick file analysis but also excellent storage. The platform allows you to convert printed papers into a digital version in minutes. Through a special channel, you can exchange files with colleagues. Any third party will not access your directory.

The company has made every effort to provide the iPhone app scan to PDF with all the necessary security features: e-signature, watermarks, FACE ID, and PIN. Thus, the files stored in this app are almost always stored in encrypted form. The cipher contains a unique set of numbers and letters, which can take decades to sort out. So instead of storing data on the device’s memory, use the Scanner App with secure online storage.

Set up Automatic Smartphone Lock

By setting just a password or encrypted storage, you will not be able to 100% protect data. By leaving your unlocked smartphone on your desktop, you allow outsiders to steal your files. Therefore, you should set up a screen lock triggered after a period of inactivity.

A lock that kicks in after 10-30 minutes isn’t the most reliable because that’s enough time to get into your files. The most convenient are automatic locks configured for 2-5 minutes of inactivity.

Install Security Software

A smartphone is a computing device, and it is your job to protect it accordingly. One of the most reliable smartphone protection platforms is Avast Mobile Security. The platform protects the device from viruses and illegal intrusions.

Also, the app notifies you about the installation of spyware and adware that threaten the security of your data. The probability of detecting the latest malware is approximately 99.9%. In the case of malware that appeared within a month, the probability is almost 100%.

Don’t Open Unfamiliar Links In Your Email

Lately, hackers have been using phishing email attacks. Emails may contain links that steal files, passwords, and personal or banking data. If the email comes from someone you don’t know, we recommend deleting the message.

Even a polite response to the interlocutor can lead to unpleasant consequences. Hackers will show even more interest in you by bombarding you with malicious links.

Download App From Trusted Sources

Both iPhone and Android have their own trusted sources of apps: the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store. Companies are cautious about the programs they publish on their systems and withdraw applications that harm users.

However, do not forget to check the apps yourself, as it is difficult for employees of the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store to keep track of all violations. Before downloading an app, read the reviews – users always report security issues in certain apps.

Disable Automatic Wi-Fi Connection

One of the great features of smartphones is the ability to connect to the Internet. However, experts say that automatically connecting to Wi-Fi is not safe. Accidentally, you may connect to the unsecured Internet, which can give out information about you and your location. In addition, blindly connecting to unencrypted access points will leak valuable data that can be used by people connected to the same Wi-Fi.

Therefore, bind to the phone only those wireless networks you are sure of. In other cases, set up your smartphone so that it asks for your permission to connect to an unfamiliar Wi-Fi.