(Last Updated On: May 11, 2023)

Robotic vacuum cleaners have taken the world by storm. These innovative devices are designed to make cleaning a breeze, without the hassle of manual vacuuming. With the ability to navigate around furniture and other objects, robotic vacuums can pick up dirt and debris on their own. They are available in various sizes and price points, making them accessible to a wide range of budgets. What’s more, robotic vacuums come with several features such as HEPA filters, scheduling capabilities, and self-emptying dustbins that make them an attractive choice for busy households.

The history of the robotic vacuum cleaner dates back to the late 1960s when a Japanese engineer named Akira Yoshida developed one of the earliest models. Inspired by an American-made Dustbuster commercial, Yoshida set out to build something similar but with advanced technology and capabilities. After four years of hard work and dedication, he launched his first commercial robot vacuum cleaner in 1971, called the “Electrolux Trilobite.” This model featured two sweeper brushes and infrared sensors that enabled it to detect obstacles in its path.

Fast forward to 1992, and Electrolux, another Japanese company, released what is considered to be the first successful robotic vacuum cleaner, the “Trilobite 2.” This model was capable of navigating around obstacles using its onboard sensors and mapping out an efficient cleaning path on its own. Robot vacuum cleaner with mop was one of the first autonomous machines ever built for consumer use, marking a significant milestone in robotics technology. Although it sold well throughout Japan and Europe, it failed to gain traction in the US due to its hefty price tag of $5,000 USD per unit.

But how do these amazing little robots work? At its core, a robotic vacuum works like any other vacuum cleaner – it has suction power that sucks in dirt and dust particles from your floors or carpets. What sets it apart is the way it navigates around your home. Most models include sensors that allow them to “see” walls, furniture, and objects as they move around. To avoid bumping into objects or getting stuck in tight corners, many models also feature advanced obstacle detection technology such as infrared sensors or camera-based navigation systems. In addition to navigation sensors and obstacle avoidance features, most robot vacuums also come with different cleaning modes for different types of surfaces such as hardwood floors or carpeted areas. These modes adjust the suction power accordingly so the vacuum can clean more efficiently on different surfaces.

Robot vacuums offer several advantages over traditional vacuum cleaners, including convenience, efficiency, and even a bit of fun. They are designed to do the cleaning for you without needing any input beyond programming the cleaning schedule or setting up boundary markers if needed. This means you can sit back and relax while your robot does all the work for you. They use advanced sensors to navigate around furniture and other obstacles, getting into hard-to-reach areas that traditional vacuums can’t access. They are also quieter than traditional vacuums, making them less disruptive if run at night while people are asleep.

However, before investing in a robot vacuum cleaner, there are some potential drawbacks to consider. For instance, they may not be as effective as traditional vacuums in cleaning specific spots or heavily soiled areas. They also tend to be more expensive than traditional vacuums, which may be a barrier to entry for some households.


Robotic vacuum cleaners are an efficient and convenient way to keep your home clean. They are easy to use, can be programmed to clean on a schedule, and require minimal maintenance. Additionally, their small size makes them ideal for hard-to-reach places in the home. As technology continues to improve, robotic vacuums will become even more powerful and effective at cleaning up messes quickly.