(Last Updated On: June 18, 2023)

YouTube is one of the top 3 social networking sites. With over 800 million users worldwide, it doesn’t surprise that many are trying to figure out how they can use YouTube to promote their business while achieving their goals.

But while some people make it work, others fail miserably. So what separates these two groups? What are the secrets about promote youtube video only a handful of people know? Find out below.

Secret #1: Have A Goal In Mind When You Create Your Video

Many businesses or individuals tend to create videos just for the heck of it – without knowing why they’re doing so in the first place. Give yourself a reason for making a video. Perhaps you want your viewers to share your video or want to increase brand awareness.

Whatever your goal may be, make sure it is clear and concise to work towards it.

Secret #2: Research Your Target Audience

Just as with any other form of marketing, you need to know your target audience before creating your video. What are their demographics? What are their interests? Knowing this will help you create a video that is more likely to appeal to them.

Secret #3: Keep It Short And Sweet

The attention span of the average person online is 8 seconds. This means that you need to capture their attention within the first few seconds of your video if you want them to stick around. So keep your video short and sweet, and be sure to highlight your key message within the first few seconds.

Secret #4: Promote Your YouTube Channel On Other Websites

If you truly want to take advantage of all that YouTube offers, promote your YouTube Channel on other websites by including a link in your ‘About Us’ section.

Doing this will help provide easy access for new visitors to easily find and subscribe to your channel. It’s also an additional way of driving traffic back to your website.

Secret #5: Create Engaging Thumbnails For All Videos Uploaded To Your Channel

While it may seem like a small thing, using engaging thumbnails can make a huge difference when it comes time for users to click on or one of your videos. Use words or an image to grab your target audience’s attention.

Secret #6: Upload Videos Frequently

In today’s world, consumers have very short attention spans. One of the best ways to capture and hold a person’s attention is by uploading videos frequently – at least once a week. This will help you retain your viewership while also helping maintain high levels of traffic on your website.

Secret #7: Respond To Views And Comments On Your Videos In A Timely Manner

Don’t ignore comments on your videos! Many people watch YouTube videos hoping that they will get a reaction from the creator of the video in the form of a comment or reply. By not doing so, you reduce interaction, which can potentially hurt your viewership.

Secret #8: Incorporate Contests And Giveaways To Increase Your Subscribers

As a business owner, you know how important it is to get more subscribers on YouTube. One of the best ways to do so is by holding contests or giveaways where you give prizes away for simply subscribing to your channel! It doesn’t have to be anything big – even something as simple as a T-shirt can suffice.

Secret #9: Interact On Other Video Channels And Add Value To Their Videos

Another way that you can promote youtube video while at the same time helping others is by commenting on other video channels and sharing value with their viewers in the form of an interesting comment or thought. Doing this will help you form relationships with other YouTubers, leading to future collaborations.

Secret #10: Make Use Of Tags And Keywords

Last but not least, make sure to use tags and keywords when uploading your videos. Doing so will help your video get found by other users interested in the same topic. It’s also a great way to increase traffic to your website.

Are you ready to start increasing your viewership and gaining more subscribers? If so, use the ten secrets above today. They have all been proven to work, so what are you waiting for? Start implementing them now and watch your business grow.