(Last Updated On: January 29, 2022)

The color yellow is one of those rare hues that can lift your spirits just by looking at it! It’s a terrific color to surround one with because it’s associated with joy and optimism throughout the world’s various cultures and civilizations. There is nothing like a bright yellow succulent to brighten up a garden! When it comes to bringing a pop of color to your home or garden, there’s no better color than yellow.

However, most succulents are not typically yellow, but they may turn yellow for various reasons. There are various reasons why succulent leaves become yellow, but the most common is due to overwatering. It’s a sign that your plant is under a lot of pressure.

If overwatering is a concern, see if there is any way to save the succulent. Observe for a few days whether or not any evidence of root sot dark patches on the lower stem are present, and then wait until the soil has completely dried before watering again.

For those of you who enjoy the vibrant hues of yellow, the stunning yellow succulents below are the perfect accent to any sunroom or plant wall:

Aloe Vera:

Flowers on aloe plants are among the most stunning. The cone-shaped flowers, a vibrant yellow, are a stunning feature of this plant. They have long, slender stems that tower above the rest of the plant, making them a standout landscape feature.

Coppertone Sedum:

In full sunlight, this Sedum reveals its beautiful yellow color. They may only reach a height of 8 inches and produce rosettes up to two inches broad, but Sedum nussbaumerianum is a fantastic houseplant option. During the spring, blush-toned starry blossoms decorate Coppertone sedum bushes.

Prickly Pear Cactus:

This cactus has gorgeous, delicate blossoms reminiscent of peonies and makes us want to hug it. Some Prickly Pear species have red or purple blossoms, but those with yellow blooms are the ones most people prefer. OpuntiaHumifusa, often known as Low Prickly Pear, is my favorite species. It has those beautiful, bright yellow blossoms that we’re looking for!

Tokyo Sun:

These plants are little, bright yellow succulents spread out across the ground in a clump-like fashion. This plant, Sedum japonicum, does not grow to be particularly large. They bloom in the summer with golden, star-shaped flowers and remain fairly brilliant throughout the year; however, they will fade to a more lime green hue if they do not receive enough sunlight.

Sunset Jade:

Oval-shaped green leaves with gold and yellow edging are found on this succulent shrub. It grows forth and upwards. This is a perfect succulent to start with if you’re new to gardening. Bright yellow and burnt orange spherical leaves adorn the stout stems of these adorable plants. Crassulaovata’s leaves, which turn dimmer lime green in the shade, can be mistaken for a common jade plant. Bright sunlight keeps the foliage brilliant and cheery yellow, making this plant a great addition to your collection.

Paddle Plant:

Paddle Flat, circular leaves, which can grow up to six inches broad, are the trademark of plants. The blossoms are pale-yellow in the winter, but they turn fiery orange and crimson in the spring and summer. The paddle Plant is an intriguing plant to keep because of the contrast between the seasons. You can watch them vary over the months to match different colors in your collection.