(Last Updated On: May 11, 2023)

When it comes to college life, student accommodation is a crucial aspect that can significantly impact the overall experience. Finding the right accommodation is essential to ensure a comfortable, safe, and supportive environment for students to thrive in. But with so many options available, from traditional dorms to off-campus apartments, choosing the right one can be overwhelming. In this article, we will explore the types of student accommodation available, the advantages and disadvantages of each, and provide tips to help students choose the perfect home away from home.

Types of Student Accommodation:

  • On-Campus Housing: On-campus housing is a popular choice for many students as it offers easy access to classes, social activities, sports facilities, and other amenities available on campus. There are two main types of on-campus housing: traditional dorms and purpose-built student apartments. Dorms typically offer shared rooms with communal bathrooms, kitchens, lounges, and common areas, while student apartments on campus tend to be more modern and offer private bedrooms with en-suite bathrooms and kitchen facilities. On-campus accommodation provides students with a sense of community, making it easier to form friendships with fellow students living nearby who may become part of your social circle during your time at university.
  • Off-Campus Housing: Off-campus housing refers to any type of accommodation that is not located directly on a college or university’s grounds but is still within its vicinity (e.g., close to public transportation). These options range from renting an apartment or house near campus to staying in a nearby hotel or guest house. Off-campus housing provides students with more freedom and independence, but it also requires more responsibility, such as managing utilities, maintenance, and transportation.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Student Accommodation:

Student accommodation offers several advantages, including a sense of independence, access to student-specific amenities and services, and the opportunity to form strong friendships with other students. However, affordable student accommodation in Melbourne also comes with some drawbacks, such as a lack of privacy, noise, and distractions, and sometimes high costs.

Tips for Choosing the Right Student Accommodation:

  • Research Different Types of Accommodation: Before committing to any student accommodation, it’s essential to do some research into different types of housing and what each offers in terms of amenities and services. Take into consideration factors such as location, price range, and whether it’s furnished or not when making your selection. Additionally, read reviews from current and former tenants to get a better understanding of what living there will actually be like.
  • Consider Amenities: When considering different types of student housing options, think about which amenities are most important for you personally and choose accordingly. Are you looking for access to a gym? Do you need Wifi included in the rent? Make sure that whatever type of housing you choose matches up with your needs and desires to truly feel like home away from home.
  • Ask Around: Talk with friends who have already gone through the process of choosing their own student accommodation and ask for recommendations. This can give you valuable insights into what to expect from different types of accommodation and help you avoid potential pitfalls.


Choosing the right student accommodation is a crucial decision that can significantly impact the overall college experience. Whether you opt for on-campus or off-campus housing, it’s essential to weigh the pros and cons of each, consider your personal needs and preferences, and conduct thorough research to make an informed decision. With these tips, finding the perfect home away from home is within reach.