(Last Updated On: November 1, 2023)

Medical records play an elemental role in personal injury claims, serving as a cornerstone of evidence to establish the extent of injuries and their connection to the incident in question. These records are essential in demonstrating the damages suffered by the injured party, and they serve several vital functions throughout the personal injury claims process.

Main functions of Medical Records

  1. Establishing Causation: 

One of the primary roles of medical records in personal injury claims is to establish a direct link between the incident or accident and the injuries sustained. Detailed records from medical professionals help demonstrate that the injuries were a direct result of the accident. This is vital for determining liability and seeking compensation from the responsible party.

  1. Documenting the Extent of Injuries: 

Medical records assure a comprehensive overview of the injuries sustained. They detail the nature and severity of the injuries, which can include broken bones, soft tissue damage, internal injuries, or psychological trauma. This documentation is elemental for assessing the impact on the victim’s life, both in the short and long term.

  1. Treatment and Prognosis: 

Medical records not only detail the injuries but also assure insight into the medical treatment received by the injured party. This can comprise surgeries, medications, physical therapy, and rehabilitation. It also offers a prognosis, indicating the expected recovery time and any potential long-term effects. This information is crucial for calculating the cost of medical expenses and potential future medical needs.

  1. Expert Testimony: 

Medical records can serve as a basis for expert testimony. Medical professionals can review the records and ensure their expert opinions on the injuries, treatment, and impact on the individual’s life. Their testimony can be elemental in court, helping the judge and jury understand the medical aspects of the case.

  1. Establishing Damages: 

In personal injury claims, the injured party seeks compensation for their damages, which may include medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and more. Medical records are elemental in calculating these damages, as they provide a clear picture of the medical costs incurred due to the injury.

  1. Timeline of Events: 

A medical records timeline is a chronological history of the injured person’s medical journey, starting from the accident and tracking their recovery, serving as a visual representation of how the injury has affected their life.

  1. Legal Requirement: 

In many personal injury cases, the law requires the injured party to provide medical records as evidence. Failing to do so can weaken the case or even result in its dismissal.

  1. Negotiation and Settlement: 

Medical records play a pivotal role in the negotiation and settlement process. Insurance companies and defense attorneys use these records to evaluate the strength of the case and the potential financial exposure. The more compelling and comprehensive the medical evidence, the more likely it is that the injured party will receive fair compensation.

  1. Protection Against Pre-existing Conditions: 

In some cases, the defense may attempt to argue that the injuries existed prior to the accident. Thorough medical records can aid in countering this argument by establishing the condition and progress of the injuries before and after the incident.

In conclusion, medical records are a cornerstone of personal injury claims, serving multiple essential functions. They establish causation, document the extent of injuries, support expert testimony, calculate damages, and provide an objective and chronological account of the injuries and treatment. Personal injury cases heavily rely on this evidence to secure fair compensation for the injured party and ensure that justice is served. It is crucial for both the injured party and their legal representatives to collect and present comprehensive and accurate medical records to strengthen their case.

How to find a personal injury lawyer

Here are some steps to aid you in finding the right personal injury lawyer for your case:

  1. Seek Recommendations:

Seek recommendations for personal injury lawyers by reaching out to your trusted network of friends, family, and acquaintances. Personal referrals are valuable as they stem from individuals you trust.

  1. Bar Associations: 

Contact your local or state bar association. They often have lawyer referral services that can aid you in finding a qualified personal injury attorney in your area.

  1. Online Legal Directories: 

Use online legal directories. Need a personal injury lawyer? Aronfeld Trial Lawyers can help. These directories provide information about attorneys’ practice areas and client reviews, which can help you narrow down your options.

Benefits of finding the right personal injury lawyer

Finding the right personal injury lawyer can have numerous benefits when pursuing a personal injury claim. Here are some of the key advantages of hiring the right attorney:

  1. Legal Expertise: 

Personal injury lawyers are specialists in this field of law, possessing the expertise and experience to effectively handle your case. They are well-versed in the nuances of personal injury law, comprising statutes of limitations, liability laws, and legal procedures.

  1. Investigation and Evidence Gathering: 

A skilled personal injury lawyer will conduct a thorough investigation into your case. This includes gathering evidence such as witness statements, accident reports, medical records, and expert opinions to strengthen your claim.

  1. Negotiation Skills: 

Experienced personal injury attorneys are adept at negotiating with insurance companies and opposing parties. They can work to secure a fair settlement that covers your damages without the need for a protracted legal battle.