(Last Updated On: October 17, 2022)

Professionals aren’t the only ones who can produce stunning photographs. Anyone is capable of eye-catching photos. 

With the right editing software, you can accomplish anything. A picture background remover, white balance tools, and contrast can change an image for the better as a whole. 

In the world of social media platforms, Instagram is among the most influential. However, you should take extra steps to prevent someone from hacking your Instagram account. A strong password, two-factor authentication, and a secure email address will go a long way to protecting your account. 

Insta-worthy posts are not hard to come by. In this article, we will explore some ways to get the best photos for you to post to Instagram. 

Start With A Quality Photo 

Nothing can disguise a lousy photo. When choosing an image, select something that is high quality. You should use natural light whenever possible, but for maximum performance, use the HDR mode on your smartphone camera when shooting in low light, close-ups, or outside.

Light can change the atmosphere and tone of your photographs. It is the single most consequential factor in photography because it adds authenticity and emotion to photos. Simply put, pictures cannot be without lighting.

Aspect Ratio 

Your picture may seem fantastic in your camera roll. However, it may not produce the desired effects if it is impossible to crop to one of Instagram’s fundamental photo aspect ratios (1:1 and 4:5).

While you can crop and adjust the aspect ratio of your photo in post-production, it’s generally better to determine the proper aspect ratio before you take the shot. Before snapping a photograph, go into your camera’s settings and choose the correct aspect ratio.

Rule Of Thirds 

It’s tempting to put the focal point of your photograph in the center of the frame. That is occasionally a brilliant idea. In some circumstances, applying the rule of thirds might make your arrangement more visually appealing.

When you set up your photo, use a grid to divide your image into thirds—vertically and horizontally. Then, place the person, thing, or action at one or more of the four gridline intersections.

When Uploading To Instagram

When uploading an image to Instagram, there are some crucial aspects to consider. For instance, the filter and customization of an image. 

Instagram has various filters you can choose from, which adjust the lighting, color temperature, contrast, and sharpness of an image. Clarendon has been dubbed “the best filter” Instagram has to offer. 

Other popular filters include Sutro, Hefe, Renegade, Pink preset 2, and Tokyo. For further perfection, you can change the filter’s intensity using the sliding scale (after tapping the image a second time).

Tap the “edit ” button on the bottom right of the screen. This will bring up a menu of editing options: brightness, contrast, structure, warmth, saturation, and color. These options can all be customized based on your preferences. 

No rule says you can only use one editing app. If you like one program’s softening effects and another’s creative filters, use them both to get your shot just right before uploading it to Instagram.