(Last Updated On: May 14, 2023)

Proper dental hygiene includes brushing your teeth twice a day. When maintaining good dental health, both brushing and flossing are necessary. 

Professional dental cleanings twice a year are great for removing plaque, tartar, and debris, but good oral hygiene the rest of the time is just as important. The following is the proper way to brush and floss your teeth.

Why It Is So Important to Brush and Floss Regularly:

·  Protection Against Dental Caries 

Cavities in teeth significantly contribute to tooth loss, and their treatment might need extensive dental work. Plaque contains acids that destroy tooth enamel, resulting in tooth decay. Cleanliness in the home is a critical factor in avoiding this occurrence.

·  Curbing The Spread Of Gum Disease 

Plaque poisons create periodontal disease, which can lead to systemic health issues. Using a toothbrush to remove plaque and calculus (tartar) off the tooth’s surface and dental floss to clean between teeth are highly effective methods for preventing periodontal disease.

·  Avoiding Discoloration 

Multiple variables, including tobacco use, caffeine consumption, and ageing, contribute to tooth discolouration and yellowing. Frequently brushing and flossing reduces the likelihood of these staining agents penetrating the tooth enamel and causing persistent discolouration.

How to Brush Your Teeth Properly

The ideal toothbrush is no more than three months old, modest in size, and has soft, rounded-end bristles. Brushes should have a tiny enough head to reach all parts of the mouth and gentle enough bristles to avoid irritating the gums. Here is how to brush effectively:

  • To clean between the gums and teeth effectively, position the toothbrush at a 45-degree angle.
  • Make gentle, circular strokes with your brush as you clean around your gums and teeth.
  • Too much scrubbing or pressure can harm the gums and tooth enamel, so avoid doing so.
  • Each tooth’s chewing, tongue, and cheek sides should be brushed. The back teeth’s surfaces should get extra attention.
  • When brushing the chewing surfaces, use circular motions in both directions.
  • To get rid of yeast, food, and debris stuck on the tongue, brush it.

How to Floss Correctly

Choose floss that you enjoy using, and it does not have to be flavoured. Here is a guide to flossing properly:

  • Prepare an 18-inch length of floss.
  • When your hands are about two to three inches apart, wrap one end of the floss around your left middle finger and the other around your right middle finger.
  • Gently move the floss from each tooth’s centre to the gum’s outside.
  • Wrap the floss around every tooth in a C shape, then gently work it under the gums.
  • To remove the plaque and food particles stuck between your teeth, gently slide the floss up and down numerous times.
  • To avoid irritating and cutting your gums, avoid popping the floss in and out between your teeth.


Knowing how to properly brush and floss your teeth is essential for good oral health. The proper technique for brushing and flossing will help you remove plaque and prevent cavities, gum disease, and other dental problems. 

To summarise, ensure you use a toothbrush with a soft bristle and toothpaste containing fluoride. In circular motions, brush for two minutes, and ensure to floss daily, which helps to remove plaque. Do not forget to visit your dentist regularly for check-ups and professional dental cleanings. These simple steps will help you achieve a brighter, healthier smile for years.