(Last Updated On: September 29, 2022)

Are you missing your translation project deadlines? Are your translation processes too complicated to finish on time, and do things get messed up in the end? Well, you are not unlucky, maybe just unaware of the latest methods and tools to up your translation project management game. Relying on traditional translation management techniques would only complicate things and make it much more challenging for you to meet the project deadlines. You should have all the advanced tools and equipment in place to get away with your day-to-day project management challenges.

You need to establish your translation processes effectively and bring in the latest Localization Management Platform. Moreover, you should also know all the tips to effectively carry out your project management like a professional project manager. Follow the guidelines in this article to do your project management the right way.

Tips And Tricks for Translation Project Management

 Well, there is no rocket science behind managing your translation project. Just a little understanding of tools, processes, and techniques would effectively get you through your translation project. Make sure you are focusing on the points below; you keep things going smoothly and avoid any inconvenience throughout your project management journey.

Optimize Your Translation Workflow 

If your translation processes are not well-established and organized properly, it would only get harder for you to get things in order. Complicated translation processes would waste your precious time and effort. Not just that, you are more likely to make mistakes and blunders because of a lack of organization and control. So, you better organize your translation workflow from the beginning using a project management tool. Advanced PM systems would automate your translation project management and you can easily assign tasks to your teams and design the workflow of each task as per your needs.

Use A Professional Translation Management Platform 

If you are not using TMS tools in your translation project, you would never be able to cope with the current translation project needs. Traditional translation methods are unable to fulfill current translation management requirements. Using a professional localization management platform would promote automation and help you manage more work in less time. These tools contain a lot of features from machine translations to team communication that makes it much easier for project managers to handle everyday translation management operations.

Generate Automated Machine Translations 

You may spend a lot of time generating human translations that would slow down your localization process. You may face unnecessary delays that would disturb your content publishing schedules. Most localization management systems provide automated MT features that would allow you to produce quick translations. Advanced MT tools use powerful algorithms that allow them to generate fairly good quality translations. If you are only relying on human translations, you will end up spending too much time and money on your translations only. So, to keep your budget and schedules in control you must give MT translation a try. In case you doubt translation quality, you can always proofread your translated documents by professional translators. Moreover, it would improve your translation quality and give your translations a human touch.

Develop Translation Glossaries 

Whether you are getting your translations done by professional translators or MT tools, you must create a brand translation glossary. It would also allow your translation teams to develop a good understanding of the translation project and manage it the right way. When multiple translators are working on the same project, there are chances of inconsistent translation because every translator has his own tone and style of translating a document. Glossaries also get all of your translators on common ground and allow them to generate translations with the same tone and style. This way, the brand voice will remain unchanged throughout your translation project.

Outsource The Excessive Work 

When your brand starts capturing more market share in a foreign market, your need for translations also increases significantly. At this point, most project managers pile up more work on in-house employees to save up costs and resources. It is a major mistake made by project managers because it can lead to a lack of productivity and poor performance from the employees’ side. Moreover, you should handle your translation project proactively, and accept the change and innovation. There is nothing wrong with outsourcing your project’s tasks from a third-party service provider. There are plenty of online freelance community platforms out there that provide you access to professional freelancers and LSPs. So, you keep your internal teams at ease and reduce the work stress in your workplace. Similarly, you are less likely to have any quality issues if you are managing everything through proper outsourcing.

Final Words!

You can significantly improve your translation project management by following the above guidelines. Better get yourself a professional translation management platform, if you’re not already using one. Moreover, bringing in the latest technology would make your translation project management journey hassle-free, and smooth. In case you want to outsource your translation management processes, make sure to do proper research to hire a reliable LSP vendor.