(Last Updated On: June 28, 2022)

The development of telecommunication technologies has led to the fact that most socially active people have a smartphone or tablet, and actively use them. The undeniable advantage of such devices is the ability to connect to the Internet to be online wherever cellular communication is available. Book a taxi while walking in the park, choose furniture, have lunch in a cafe, buy tickets to a concert, during a morning jog – all this is possible with the help of special utilities.

What Is a Mobile Application for Business?

Any smartphone or tablet contains a pre-installed operating system and applications. These are basic programs for everyday use (for example, organizer, alarm clock, camera, phone, calculator). Additionally, the user can install any other software according to their needs. It can be a new game, messenger, browser, etc.

The mobile business application (mobile app) has its application features, so the meaning of this concept differs depending on the context of use. There are two options for its definition:

  • a program used in the day-to-day running of a business to help it achieve its goals effectively (such as Google Drive cloud storage);
  • a program designed for use on smartphones by third-party users solely for the benefit of a specific business (for example, a movie poster).

Both concepts are used in everyday life, but when talking about a mobile business application, the second appears more often. Such software helps businesses attract new customers through smartphone traffic, and the main impact can be:

Straight. In this case, the program directly informs about the services or services of the business (for example, so comes the catalog of the online store) or does so by subscription.

Indirect. The user installs the utility on the smartphone due to other useful features, and marketing messages come as an add-on. For example, a gardener’s store may distribute a monthly calendar program to customers, which notifies its new products or promotions once a week.

You can order custom software development to achieve sales and popularity increase of your business.

Unlike the Mobile Version of the Site

It may seem that the smartphone utility performs the same functions as the mobile version of a particular company’s website, but this is not the case. The main differences are that:

The version of the company’s website for smartphones and tablets is an adaptation of the basic Internet resource, its simplified version. The mobile application for business does not claim to be comprehensive, it is often dedicated to one area (for example, ordering pizza at the office).

The mobile site is located on the Internet server, the user opens it with a browser. The application is installed on the client’s smartphone, it is a separate program that you need to run if necessary.

From a technical point of view, the mobile site uses the same Internet technology as its main version, adapting the size and structure of the resource to the requirements of smartphones and tablets. For this reason, it is not always displayed correctly on different devices. The application is initially adapted to a specific operating system (Android, iOS, Windows Mobile) or uses a multi-platform principle, so there are no problems with the display and operation.

Goals and Purposes

Developing and using a mobile app in marketing helps businesses solve multiple tasks simultaneously, effectively complementing other channels of interaction with customers. The main goals of such programs are:

Increase sales. Business must be profitable, and every marketing tool must help make a profit. The software solves this problem both directly, reminding the potential customer of new promotions or discounts, and indirectly, arousing his interest in a particular company/brand.

Promoting loyalty programs. The most common example is a cumulative discount that encourages repeat purchases. With its help, the business not only retains customers but also increases sales. It is unprofitable for a user who has accumulated a discount of 10-15% to turn to other stores/services where he does not have such an advantage.

Attracting new customers. For users to learn about your company’s offerings, they must first install a mobile business app on the gadget. A 50% discount on a ticket to the cinema or a free croissant in the cafe bonus will be suitable for those who install software on their gadget. By receiving a menu or a current movie poster, the customer will quickly appreciate the facilities offered.

Interaction with the target audience. Mobile app development helps to effectively influence potential customers of any business. By default, the user who installed the software on the gadget is considered to be a representative of the target audience, showing interest in the company’s products/services.

Providing competitive advantages. Not all companies resort to mobile applications for business, even in mass segments of activity (food delivery, entertainment industry, grocery stores, and others). 

So, a mobile application is your best chance to increase sales, improve branding indicators, and make your company more innovative. Think about creating one for you now.
