(Last Updated On: January 12, 2023)

Online security is a major concern for both consumers and businesses. Updated passwords are just one of several ways to increase network security, though.

Thus, the topic of how frequently to change passwords arises. Most of us would prefer it to be an isolated incident. Simply choose a password and then forget it. Although doing this might seem practical, some hackers might hope that you do.

Long-term password inactivity makes it easier for hackers to access your account. Because of this, you are urged to update your passwords regularly.

How frequently should your password be changed?Cybersecurity experts advise changing your password every three months. You might, however, need to instantly reset your password in some circumstances. For instance, if your account is compromised. This and other topics are covered in the post that follows.

Usually, hackers only spend a short period of time within the compromised account. If you change your password within that time frame, it will log them out and safeguard your account. The future hacking of your account can be prevented by creating a strong, one-of-a-kind password.

You should adhere to the following rules while changing your password:

  • Create a password that is tough to decipher, unique, and strong.
  • If your account has been compromised, change your password right away.
  • To prevent your password from being stolen, think about implementing two-factor authentication.
  • To prevent writing down or remembering your passwords, use a password manager.

When should you instantly update your password?

In certain circumstances, you need to change your password right away. You shouldn’t waste time resetting your passwords if you suspect someone has access to your private information. 

  • Your account has been breached.

Change your password right away if you think hackers have access to your account. The more harm could be done, the longer you wait. You can reduce the number of times hackers access your account by changing your password.

  • You made use of free Wi-Fi.

The general recommendation is never to use public networks. However, there are situations when using unsecured Wi-Fi is your only alternative. After utilizing the network in such circumstances, you should immediately change your password. Additionally, avoid spending a lot of time using free public Wi-Fi. You should consider using a VPN to protect your device and private information.

  • Following a data breach

Even if the account is unaffected, you should update your password if your company experiences a data breach. Staying safe is preferable to regretting it afterward.

  • Viruses on your computer.

You should modify your password if you find any virus on your computer. Change the password from a different device if you can’t use the impacted device.

How can you secure your online password?

Different techniques are used by cybercriminals to crack passwords. Phishing, shoulder surfing, spidering, brute force attacks, guessing, and malware are a few examples of prevalent methods. On the dark web, some of them also purchase passwords. To keep your internet passwords secure, you need a more robust solution.

There are some guidelines to remember while establishing a password. It is usually advised to make a strong and unique password. Using your name or date of birth as a password can be risky because they are both easily broken. It is more difficult for cybercriminals to crack a strong password.

For each account, use a separate password.

Some people have a habit of using the same password across all of their accounts. That is a risky move because it could jeopardize the security of your other internet accounts.

Implement a password manager.

A password manager’s main function is to safeguard your password by preventing unauthorized users from accessing your online accounts. In order to accomplish this, powerful encryption is used.

Put multi-factor authentication to use.

Financial accounts are the principal use for multi-factor authentication. You must input a code that was provided to the registered email address or mobile number in order to sign into a website secured by two-factor authentication.

It’s essential to regularly change your passwords to keep your online accounts secure. Every three months, you should change your passwords, according to the advice. You must also adhere to the best password practices in addition to that.