(Last Updated On: February 1, 2023)

Desktop-as-a-Service (DaaS) is a cloud computing solution that allows users to access their applications and data from any device. With DaaS, users can access their desktop from anywhere—on the road or at home—without having to worry about updating software or hardware.

What is Desktop-as-a-Service?

Desktop-as-a-Service (DaaS) is a cloud-based solution that gives users access to virtual desktops. Instead of installing software on your employees’ computers, you can use DaaS to create an environment where all your employees have virtually identical computing environments. This can be helpful if your business needs multiple users with the same desktop environment or if you don’t want to worry about updating applications and patching security holes on each user’s device.

DaaS is a subscription-based service; however, there are no upfront costs for purchasing equipment or software licenses as long as you sign up for the subscription service for at least one year.

What Can Desktop-as-a-Service Do for Your Business?

Desktop-as-a-Service (DaaS) is a technology that allows you to access your desktop from anywhere at any time, with all of the performance and capabilities of a local machine. DaaS can be used for both cloud computing and enterprise mobility management (EMM), allowing users more flexibility in their daily work.

When it comes to your business’s IT needs, there are many benefits to DaaS that you may not have considered before:

  • Increased Productivity: With DaaS, employees can work seamlessly across multiple devices without having to switch back and forth between them. They’ll also have access to applications needed for their job without needing an install on each device they use. This means less time wasted on basic tasks like backing up files or installing software, which will allow employees at all levels of seniority more time for completing projects or other important tasks at hand.
  • Reduced IT Costs: By using DaaS instead of buying physical hardware yourself, you’re helping cut down costs associated with maintaining those machines—saving money that can be put toward other areas of your business instead! You’ll also save money by being able to shift workers from low-value tasks (like installing software) onto higher value ones such as designing new products/features/etcetera

How is Desktop-as-a-Service Different From a Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI)?

DaaS is a cloud-based solution that offers pay-as-you-go access to desktops, applications and data. Desktop virtualization platforms such as Citrix XenDesktop or VMware Horizon are examples of desktop virtualization products.

What are the Additional Benefits of Desktop-as-a-Service?

Desktop-as-a-Service brings with it many benefits.

  • You don’t need to worry about hardware. The service provider takes care of everything, including the computers themselves and all their ancillary hardware like printers, scanners, and other devices.
  • You don’t need to worry about software. The service provider handles all your applications for you based on your needs and specifications—you just choose them from a preapproved list of options when you sign up for the service!
  • You don’t have to worry about backups or upgrades because they are taken care of by the service provider as part of their contract with you (and yes—this includes security patches). They also handle maintenance tasks like anti-virus checks and storage expansion as well as providing additional features such as using cloud storage instead of local hard drives so that you can access files from anywhere without having those files take up space on your computer’s internal memory drive (which is always limited).

A Second Look at VDI and DaaS

Both VDI and DaaS have their pros and cons. Let’s take a look at the differences between them.

  • VDI is more expensive, but it’s also more secure. As with any technology, there are trade-offs to consider when choosing which type of virtualization technology will work best for your business. In terms of cost and security, VDI has an advantage over DaaS because it stores all application data on dedicated hardware rather than in the cloud—that means less risk when it comes to hacking attempts or data breaches that can occur if your company uses cloud-based services. If you’re concerned about security issues arising from using a third-party provider like Amazon Web Services or Microsoft Azure (which many businesses are), then using a VDI service may be the way to go for your organization
  • DaaS offers increased flexibility because it doesn’t require any new hardware purchases—you just pay for what you need at any given moment without having to invest in additional storage space or servers upfront; however, this leaves room open for potential vulnerabilities if any data were leaked through backdoors built into these platforms by hackers looking for ways into other people’s systems (which does happen).

How Do I Get Started with DaaS?

  • Choose a provider. There are many DaaS providers to choose from, each offering different services and platforms. You can search for providers by industry or by certifications such as VMware vCenter and Citrix XenApp in the Cloud Marketplace.
  • Set up a trial. Once you have chosen your preferred vendor, they will likely want you to set up an account with them so that they can register their product with VMware Horizon Client and provide access to their desktop pool in order for you to run through the set-up process.
  • Evaluate the service. After setting up your account with your provider, it’s time to get started on testing out their service! Most providers offer free trials so that companies can try out their products before committing full-time or paying monthly subscription fees; however some may charge a setup fee just like any other software product purchase would require due diligence such as evaluating how well supported it is by both sales teams and technical support agents alike through forums available online. Other factors include which operating system(s) do employees need access to? What kind of hardware does each user need? How many hours per day should be allocated towards using this new technology? These questions must all be answered before taking any action based decisions regarding implementation into production environments at work specifically.”

Desktop-as-a-Service is a Great Value

Desktop-as-a-Service is a great value!

  • Cost savings: With desktop virtualization, you don’t need to invest in desktops or buy licenses for operating systems and applications. Instead, your company pays only for the resources it uses at any given time—that is, when an employee needs a computer to work on. Desktop virtualization also allows companies to shift their IT expenses away from hardware and toward software licenses over the long term by reducing costs associated with hardware maintenance and upgrades.
  • Flexibility: A company can tailor its desktop environment according to employees’ specific needs by using different types of VDI deployments such as pooled desktops or hosted shared desktops that are provisioned on demand based on each employee’s profile requirements (e.g., security settings). For example, some employees may require high performance graphics capabilities while others might not need much graphics processing power at all since they typically use their computers only for office productivity tasks like word processing or emailing back home at night when everyone else has gone home already anyway so there’s no point spending money unnecessarily upgrading those machines every year just because it says Intel inside instead of AMD inside instead – why bother with dual GPUs when I’m only going email my mom?


The short answer is that desktop-as-a-service can help your business by providing you with a secure and reliable source of desktops. This means you have access to a consistent set of tools, even when employees are working remotely or at home. It also means that if an employee needs to use a different system temporarily (for example, because they’re on vacation), then this can be done without affecting everyone else’s workflows.

With desktop-as-a-service in place, IT management becomes much simpler as it’s easier to manage machines remotely rather than having them all located in one office. And since there’s no need for hardware upgrades or replacements here either – everything runs through cloud servers – then the cost savings are huge!