(Last Updated On: June 28, 2022)

CAD is the crucial software environment where engineers turn concept sketches into models that may be immediately 3D printed or created using conventional manufacturing methods after being visualised, optimised, and simulated. There are now many CAD programs on the market that differ in terms of functionality, complexity, price, and focus. In this article, let’s take a closer look at CAD software uses, types, and features to assist you in selecting the perfect solution for your business needs.

What is CAD Software

Computer-aided design software is a type of program used by architects, engineers, and other professionals to create two-dimensional and three-dimensional models of physical objects. CAD programs are used to create plans for buildings and bridges, electrical schematics for electronic devices, and different types of drawings. It can also be used to create designs for consumer products, such as automobiles or appliances.

There are many different types of CAD programs available on the market, each with its own unique features and capabilities. Some CAD programs are designed for specific tasks or industries, while others are more general-purpose in nature. It is important to choose a CAD program that is well suited for the types of projects you typically work on.

Uses of CAD Software

CAD programs can be used in a variety of areas, but some of their most common uses include:

  • Creating models and prototypes. In many cases, it is used to create two-dimensional and three-dimensional models of physical objects, which can be helpful for visualising an object before it is created.
  • Planning. Programs can be used to create plans for buildings, bridges, and other structures. It can also be used to create electrical schematics for electronic devices.
  • Drawing. Many professionals use it to create drawings, such as floor plans, cross-sections, and elevation views. Drawings can be useful for communicating designs to others or for creating construction documents.
  • Simulation. These programs can also be used to simulate how an object will behave in real life, which can be helpful for testing designs before they are built.
  • Analysing. Sometimes, programs are employed to ensure that the design meets certain criteria, such as strength or stability. This type of analysis can be helpful in optimising a design or in troubleshooting potential problems.

Types of CAD Software

There are several different types of CAD programs, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. The most common types of CAD software are:

  • 2D. It is used to create two-dimensional drawings. This type is typically used for architectural and engineering drawings, as well as for electrical schematics and other types of technical drawings. 2D programs are generally less expensive and easier to use than 3D software. However, it is less capable of creating complex designs.
  • 3D. These programs are used to create three-dimensional models of various objects such as buildings, products, machines, parts, etc. They offer a wide range of features such as object manipulation, dimensioning, surface modelling, solid modelling, etc. 3D programs provide a more realistic representation of objects, but it is also more expensive and difficult to use. Some popular programs include SolidWorks, Autodesk Inventor, and CATIA.
  • Wireframe and Surface Modelling. It is used to create three-dimensional wireframe models or surface models. Wireframe modelling is a basic type of 3D modelling that creates simple shapes using lines and curves. Surface modelling adds detail to wireframe models by adding surfaces such as planes, cylinders, and spheres. This type is typically used for industrial design and engineering purposes.
  • Solid Modelling. It is a more advanced type of 3D modelling that creates realistic models using geometric representations of solids such as cubes, cylinders, and spheres. Solid modelling provides a more accurate representation of objects, but it is also more expensive and difficult to use. 

CAD programs are often used in conjunction with CAM and CAE software to generate detailed instructions for manufacturing products or components.

How To Choose CAD Software

There are dozens of different programs available on the market today, each with its own unique feature set and capabilities. Some of the most popular programs include Autodesk Fusion 360, PTC Creo, Siemens NX, CATIA, Solidworks, and many others. While each program has its own specific target audience (e.g., industrial designers vs mechanical engineers), there is a great deal of overlap in terms of what users can ultimately accomplish with any given software package.

The best way to choose a program is to first determine what type of drawings or models you will be creating. If you only need to create simple 2D drawings, then a 2D CAD program would be sufficient. However, if you need to create more complex 3D designs, then you would need a more powerful program. There are also specialised CAD programs for specific fields such as mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, and product design. Once you have determined the types of drawings or models you will be creating, you can then narrow down your choices by considering factors such as cost, ease of use, and functionality. You can purchase the necessary program in ProCadIs online store — it offers you to buy CAD software at the lowest prices!


CAD software is a crucial tool for architects, engineers, and other professionals who need to create accurate 2D and 3D models of physical objects. There are many different types of CAD programs available on the market, each with its own unique feature set and capabilities. It is important to choose a program that is well suited for the types of projects you typically work on.