(Last Updated On: November 28, 2022)


The Chinese have a saying, “The way to bring good luck is to plant a jade tree in front of your house.” This plant has been used in traditional feng shui for centuries now and its popularity is increasing with each passing day because of its simplicity and highly beneficial effects. As it grows really well in water, it will do well in low-light conditions such as those that prevail around offices or apartments where space is limited. Its long life span ensures that you will have good luck for a long time. The plants mentioned below are low maintenance indoor plants in India and are easily available but if you want authentic and original plants with services, you can order them online. Like the pink syngonium plant, it may be available in your local markets but if you are going to buy it online, you can also ask them about its maintenance, its requirements and all other queries related to it.


Known as the money plant, jade is a succulent featuring small pink or white flowers that grow in winter. It is said to bring you luck, prosperity and good health.

Jade has been used for thousands of years as an amulet and spiritual symbol. Jade was believed by many ancient cultures to be magical because of its color (which ranges from greenish-blue to gray), shape (many different forms) and history; it was associated with rainbows because it had been thought that jade absorbs negative energy when polished.

2.Money Trees

Money trees or ficus are native to tropical rainforests, but have grown very popular in many parts of the world because of their lovely stature, durability and ease of care. In fact, money trees are considered to be lucky plants due to the way they grow. Their five leaves per stem are supposed to stand for wealth, happiness, longevity, good luck and prosperity.

You’ve probably heard of the money tree, but did you know it’s actually a type of ficus? The money tree is native to tropical rainforests and grows well in low light conditions. It makes a great office plant because it doesn’t require much maintenance or watering, which means you can sit back and relax while your ficus does all the work! In addition to being easy on the eye, this lucky plant also gives off an aroma that attracts people toward its presence (and therefore towards you). If you want to be surrounded by positive energy while working at home or spending time with friends over drinks, then consider adding an indoor garden full of lucky plants like these into your life today!


Also called the Chinese evergreen, aglaonema is a popular houseplant that is extremely easy to care for and can thrive almost anywhere in your home. They also grow quite fast and produce beautiful white flowers with pink tips. Aglaonema has been described as a plant that brings prosperity and wealth with it.

Aglaonema plants are very easy to take care of: they love moist soil, so water them once or twice a week in summertime (in winter you should only water them when the soil looks dry). You can also feed your plant by adding some fertilizer once every two weeks or so just before planting out new seedlings or cuttings from older plants; however, don’t overdo it – too much fertilizer will cause root rot which will kill the plant!

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4.Chinese money plant or lucky bamboo 

Lucky bamboo has been used in traditional feng shui for centuries now and its popularity is increasing with each passing day because of its simplicity and highly beneficial effects. As it grows really well in water, it will do well in low-light conditions such as those that prevail around offices or apartments where space is limited. Its long life span ensures that you will have good luck for a long time!

Lucky bamboo is also known as Chinese money plant or elephant ear plant (Bambusoideae). It thrives best when planted near toilets, sinks and baths where they receive plenty of light but little direct sunlight so they can grow vertically instead of horizontally like other species do. They require frequent watering to keep their leaves healthy but don’t overwater them either because this could cause root rot which could kill off your lucky bamboo overnight!


We hope you’ve enjoyed reading our blog on lucky plants and that we have inspired you to try some of these out.  We know it can be hard to find the time to do so, but by taking some time out of your day for yourself, you will be doing yourself a favor.